BREWER: Northern Monk, West Yorkshire, England


ABV: 4.7%

VESSEL: 440ml tin


INSTAGRAM: northernmonk

DATE OF POST: 1st June 2024



This is a dreadful beer.

Going into this I was kinda hoping that Northern Monk were going to actually miss the brief of making a beer inline with a Twister ice cream. I do like a Twister ice cream once in a while. But I do not want my beer to taste like one. Don’t get me wrong, if they had totally missed the brief and produced a tasty brew then harsh words would have been dealt because of not delivering what the can suggests… but at least it would have been a good beer.

But, sadly, they NAILED the brief, so the beer tastes nothing short of disgusting.

I honestly don’t know how any drinkers of Fruit Twist would ever return to purchase another. And surely only intrigue would make someone buy one in the first place? As was the case with us two.

And I’ll be honest, halfway through testing I decided that enough was enough and threw the rest down the drain.

Avoid, no matter what.

Jymi’s Rating: 13%



Having previously chewed down a can of Fruit Twist, I had to psyche myself up for the daunting task of reviewing this beer.  I truly had to steel myself for what lay ahead. This unnatural concoction, inspired by a well known ice lolly, promised a taste of nostalgia but left me pondering the wisdom of its creation.

Fruit Twist dances on the palate with all the subtlety of a bull in a china shop. Its flavours, reminiscent of the cherished ice lolly, evoke memories of carefree summer days. However, the sweetness overwhelms, leaving a lingering sensation that borders on cloying.  It is just not something that should have ever happened.

Despite its best efforts to deliver a refreshing experience, the beer’s syrupy texture and overwhelming sweetness make each sip a truly laborious task.

In conclusion, Fruit Twist stands as a testament to the perils of experimentation in the world of brewing. While the brewers at Northern Monk may have succeeded in replicating the flavours of the well-liked ice lolly, they have overlooked the inherent clash between sweetness and drinkability, and ultimately the whole concept of this beer.  Just because you can do something, it doesn’t mean it should be done. In reality, this brew falls short of its potential, teetering on the brink of undrinkability and leaving a bittersweet taste in the mouth of even the most adventurous beer enthusiast.

Sammy’s Rating: 26%



MOB review next weekend: JUICED by FOUR PURE

Sammy & Jymi – Musing on Booze weekly since 2017

Twitter: @museonbooze

Instagram: muse.on.booze

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